How it all started...
In 1854 there were numerous members of the church of Christ who lived in Jefferson and Marshall but they had no church buildings. The Baptists and Cumberland Presbyterians in both places allowed Brother A. Padon to conduct a series of meetings where he baptized two people.
Texas suffered a serious spiritual decline during the Civil War, but in 1890, the church was re-established in Marshall. Two years later, R.F. Carter moved to Marshall as the preacher. He received 24 additions within 24 months but had to leave due to his wife’s declining health.
In 1915 the church was re-organized again by Reuben A. Hall. The church met in the City Hall with Brother A.E. Findley preaching the first sermon.
In 1918 Brother Foy E. Wallace preached a gospel meeting. At this time, Brother Reuben A. Hall donated the first $100.00 and Brother and Sister W. V. Thrasher donated the second $100.00 toward the building fund. Two lots were purchased at 900 N. Franklin St. and a 34’ by 50’ building was constructed. The building was continuously used until 1941. The first elders were: T. B. Elwood, Reuben A. Hall, and C. W. Lagrone. The first deacons were: W. V. Thrasher, W. J. Massey and Wes Weaver. The charter members were: Mrs. J. S. Coon, Mrs. Mollie Coon, Grandpa and Grandma Coon, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Organ, Mrs. O. T. Craver, Mrs. Mattie Mahone and daughter, Mrs. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. W.V. Thrasher, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben A. Hall, Sam B. Hall Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lagrone, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Massey, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Donoho.
In 1941, property was purchased at 607 E. Burleson St. and a brick building was erected.
On July 1, 1950, a group of members began a new congregation meeting at 1804 S. Washington St.
In 1971, the Burleson St. congregation completed the present facility at 2705 E. Travis and began meeting as the Eastern Hills Church of Christ.
Texas suffered a serious spiritual decline during the Civil War, but in 1890, the church was re-established in Marshall. Two years later, R.F. Carter moved to Marshall as the preacher. He received 24 additions within 24 months but had to leave due to his wife’s declining health.
In 1915 the church was re-organized again by Reuben A. Hall. The church met in the City Hall with Brother A.E. Findley preaching the first sermon.
In 1918 Brother Foy E. Wallace preached a gospel meeting. At this time, Brother Reuben A. Hall donated the first $100.00 and Brother and Sister W. V. Thrasher donated the second $100.00 toward the building fund. Two lots were purchased at 900 N. Franklin St. and a 34’ by 50’ building was constructed. The building was continuously used until 1941. The first elders were: T. B. Elwood, Reuben A. Hall, and C. W. Lagrone. The first deacons were: W. V. Thrasher, W. J. Massey and Wes Weaver. The charter members were: Mrs. J. S. Coon, Mrs. Mollie Coon, Grandpa and Grandma Coon, Mr. and Mrs. E.L. Organ, Mrs. O. T. Craver, Mrs. Mattie Mahone and daughter, Mrs. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. W.V. Thrasher, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben A. Hall, Sam B. Hall Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Lagrone, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Massey, and Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Donoho.
In 1941, property was purchased at 607 E. Burleson St. and a brick building was erected.
On July 1, 1950, a group of members began a new congregation meeting at 1804 S. Washington St.
In 1971, the Burleson St. congregation completed the present facility at 2705 E. Travis and began meeting as the Eastern Hills Church of Christ.

Expanding the vision . . .
Loving God, Loving People, Imitating Jesus, Seeking Heaven
Today, the Eastern Hills Church is seeking to reach out to our community with the message of God's saving grace through friendship, service and outreach opportunities. Some of our annual favorites are
- Trunk or Treat in October - Last October we served approximately 300 children from our community
- Harvest Food Drive in November when we provide food boxes and a turkey to families who may otherwise not have a Thanksgiving meal
- Vacation Bible School in July is a time we go all out so that children from the community have an exciting time learning about Jesus and how we should live
- Recently we partnered with a Tennessee church to put together supply buckets to send to Ukrainian refugees.