2705 E Travis St, Marshall, TX

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Our Life Groups are a lifeline. On Sunday evenings, we gather at different homes for a time of fellowship and bible study, but our groups are so much more.  They are our caring ministry as well. Each member is assigned to a group where they receive help, whether it be a birth, death of a family member, illness, or surgery.  People always have a support team in place for assistance.
We would love for you to join us.
Youth and Families Group
Leaders: Chase & Sarah Palmer
Brandon & Rebecca Smith
Time & Place announced weekly
Adult Group
Leaders: Carrell & Dottie Dennis
Hosts: Greg & Debbie Cuiksa
5:30 Sundays at the Cuiksas' home
Adult Group
Leaders: John & Amie Grubbs
Dale & Angy Frazier
6:00 at the church building
Adult Group
Leaders: Phillip & Krista Treat
Host: Marla Caton
5:00 Sundays at the home of Marla Caton
Families with Young Children
Leaders: Brandon & Whitney Pyle
Time & place to be announced